Behind the Scenes - 'Public' Business Material
This is the page even the band doesn't know about - this is Dax, the Creator - and this is the only place you'll ever see the "P" word (P)uppet... ever...
Oh and yes because we are asked this very question quite often; the entire DM concept and all underlying intellectual property is completely covered by a registered and accepted copyright with the
U.S. Copyright Office.
Breaking Business News
We have recently attached interest from BIG NAME Hollywood Talent (some of the biggest names in the industry) to the DM Brand which will be included in our Network TV pitch. These include heavy resumes for both in front of and behind the camera.
** More Info Available Upon Request **
Professionally Packaged Project Material
We currently have the following Project Material:
- A Full 20-Minute & 5-Minute Video Sizzle Reel - including Business Relevance
- A Short Video Synopsis of the Indie Film "FUBAR"
- A WTF-Story Video Example
- Written Project Material
- The Devil's Minstrels Show Bible
- The Devil's Minstrels U-Rox Community (Show Bible Addendum)
- Business Relevance PowerPoint Slide-Package
- Written & WGA Registered Scripts
- A Television Pilot (sitcom format)
- An Example "mid-season" Script (sitcom format)
- Indie Film "FUBAR" script (40-minute) - info found here
There is MUCH more written material than what is simply put on this website - we are absolutely 100% ready for Network TV production!
Please contact via email at Dax or copy/paste or mobile: 407-617-3112, for a DM package delivery to be sent directly to you and/or your company and/or representative.
Strong in Story and Concept
The Devil's Minstrels is a situational comedy based around the lives of a 4 piece, all puppet, Death Metal Band, their human sidekicks and their "Band Neighbors." However, just like Comedy Central's "South Park" is not strictly about 4 boys in the 4th grade, The Devil's Minstrels (DM) is not strictly about 4 puppets in a metal band. It is actually quite the contrary as the overall concept is to create as much humorous turmoil as possible via cast interactions and diving deep into unknown environments.
One day the DM guys may inadvertently save the world from impending doom and the next end up in a glazed-ham eating contest with a 105 lb. angry Chinese woman.
We have an internal Forum full of dozens-upon-dozens of story-arcs and storyline concepts.
We're ready to roll !
Strong in Character Development
Strength - "Anti-Hero" DREXIL physically represents the Extreme / Death Metal style of music. He is an alpha-male who is aggressive, muscular, opinionated, and foremost in charge of all that surrounds him, or at least he thinks he is. He epitomizes the lovable rough-tough-bad-boy. |
Cute - "Hero" (he tries his best) CARL with his trademark laugh verbalizing "LOL," is the cute / innocent character in juxtaposition against Drexil's aggressiveness. Carl is a hardcore computer programmer and video game enthusiast who is deeply entrenched in the "gamer" subculture that exists in both the US and overseas. |
Wise - "Comic Relief" BYL (pronounced "Bill") is the older, out of shape, wise-man in the band. He has given up on chasing the rock star lifestyle and is now far more interested in just playing music with the band while living out his life of Comic Books and Role Playing Video Games. Byl's persona is counter to what one would normally think of a Metal Guitarist; as he is older, fat, balding and soft spoken. |
Mystery - "?" UNDEAD ZED is normally not seen on camera except for bit part humor. His character is shrouded in mystery and is only brought out during the musical aspects or for small jokes based on his surrounding paradox. Zed is a "black & white" puppet who makes the camera "flicker" when he is near. |
Obscure Humor - "Anything Could Happen" PHIL MIXBY is a very close friend of Carl the bassist. He is a paranoid, piracy advocating, compulsive conspiracy theorist. Phil is the variable in the show. He could be straight humor one second and off the wall the next. Phil is currently played by Emmy Award Winning Producer / Actor |
Power & Beauty - "Love Interest" NORA is a poorly skilled B-horror movie actress who manages and finances the band. Nora is portrayed as the strong female whom everyone knows is actually in charge - Nora is the only character Drexil does not try to dominate. Nora is currently played by |
Strong in Community / Unique Neighborhood
U-Rox from “U-STORE, Boxes n’ More” The "U-Rox“ Community is a walled in Storage Unit facility where many individuals, bands and musical groups rent out units for practice ultimately creating a ‘neighborhood’ of musical mayhem. |
The U-Rox community reaches critical mass in anxiety, energy and population during what DM calls the "adoption" process. A California Talent Group (Massively Unreal Fame Firm or MUFF) stops by the community every so often for talent scouting. MUFF's big-hairy goal is to sign new bands to recording / touring contracts - which causes all the bands to act quite crazy. U-Rox provides the DM Universe with an infinite pool of possibilities for 'neighboring' bands and personalities. Made up of a mix of humans and puppets such as; a Euro Trash "Record Producer," a horrible 80s Tribute Band and an All Asian Girl Band (who Byl loves). |
Strong "Grassroots" Fan-Base
Unfortunately, due to our online fame and heavy traffic, we were targetted a while back by the 'bad-guys' and are website was hacked via a devastating Code/PHP Injection attack. The attack unfortunately was too severe for our web-host to recover our old site, our data, and even many of our accounts - so as a result we were forced to shutdown and reboot our entire online presence. This caused us much heart-ache, frustration and time-loss.
However; during the time previous to the attack we more than proved our online worth by drawing in over 2,000,000 Fans with *several million* combined views via Myspace, Youtube and many more.
DM has some of the most-loving fans out there - people who really believe that DM would be a major force if produced for Network TV.
Below is a mish-mash quote-collage from fans from all over the World !
Please click the pic below to see the full screen version
Just a few of our favorite Quotes are:
- "The Devil's Minstrels are timeless characters with universal appeal." -- myspace
- "<singing> I want my, I want my DM TV!!!" -- youtube
- "Most unique idea EVAR! Why didn't I think of it first?!? You BASTARDS!" -- a direct email
- "I guess DM doesn't stand for Depeche Mode anymore!" -- StupidVideos
- "Veritable Conceptual GOLDMINE!" -- DailyMotion
- "You guys F&CK1NG ROCK!" -- tons of times in multiple places
- "I want to have Drexil's BLUE BABY!" -- myspace
It is important to note that we refused to 'cheat' by adding 'fake non-DM tags' to get our views (such as Fake Affiliation Tags with Hot Channels or Hot Political / News Tags or "Come See Megan Fox's Boobies Here" tags) - this gave us ZERO "Angry Views" and therefore Very Happy Fans :)
Strongly Driven Toward Professional Success
As per the breaking news we now have BIG NAME talent attached to DM both in front and behind the camera that are not listed below for strategic reasons - more info available upon request.
- Dave Maynard (Dax) - Creator, Executive Producer, Writer, Puppeteer
Software Engineering Innovation Lead & Computer Scientist
Computer Science Degree from Florida State University
Professional Video Game Technology Expert and Historian
Professional Film Editor and Special Effects Producer
Professional Musician and Lifelong "Metal Head"Resume:
Direct Contact: Mail To Link or copy/paste, mobile: 407-617-3112
- Tyler Bunch - Actor (SAG), Producer, Director, Puppeteer
Emmy Award Winner (Producer) - 2009
Emmy Award Nominee - 2007
His on-screen work includes Law & Order: Criminal Intent, Crank Yankers, Various Muppets work
He is also a major player in Brian Henson's on-stage production of Puppet Up!Tyler Bunch currently portrays "Phil Mixby"
He has also agreed to Produce and be additional Puppeteer Talent upon network contract
- John Kennedy - Puppet Creator / Puppeteer (SAG)
Professional Television / Film Puppeteer
His work includes all 65 episodes of Dinosaurs an ABC television show that ran from 1991-1994, Disney's Muppets Tonight and well over a decade's worth of performance on Sesame StreetJohn Kennedy currently plays a major role in the success of The Devil's Minstrels as both the primary Puppet Creator and Performer / Mentor
His personal site:
- Blue Juice Films, Inc. - Independent Production Company (FL, NY)
Emmy Award Winner - 1999
Several Emmy Nominations & Winner of Various Film Awards including work for ABC, ESPN, ET, HBO, MTV, SPIKE and More...If Needed Blue Juice Films, Inc. has unofficially signed on and could be a Permanent Member of The Devil's Minstrels production staff upon network contract
Numerous Posts & Blogs: To Name a Few...
Blues News "Here's a link to a hilarious TV Show Concept that *should* be on Network TV. This link was sent to us by many. Wake up out there NETWORK EXECS!" |
Puppet Buzz "The Devil's Minstrels are by far the most uniquely hilarious group we've seen in possibly ever, and there have been numerous over the years! These characters have the potential to be household names or worst case live in INFAMY! HAHA!" |
Future Opportunities
Behind the Suit & Tie (possibly now defunct) DM was potentially slated to be the "Comic Relief" |
SikWorld |
Business Collaborations
Official Devil's Minstrels Comic Book Artwork by Bob Beason, aka "DrStrangeBob" on Deviant Art
You can view or download the #0 Origin DM Comic FREE HERE via our sister company Celestial Fury Publishing
Legal Representation
The Devil's Minstrels are Represented by the Law Office of Elsa Ramo - Beverly Hills, CA